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    Coricancha Cusco: The Ultimate Guide To Exploring The Sacred Temple Of The Sun

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    Imagine that during your 2024 trip you walk through the historic streets of a city that had a unique importance during the time of the Inca culture and after a few minutes you find the Inca Temple of the Sun, Coricancha Cusco is undoubtedly a unique tourist destination in its class where ancient, contemporary and modern history are mixed to result in a building that despite the years has not lost its value.

    The Temple of the Sun Cusco, Coricancha Cusco is considered to this day as one of the most sacred historical sites as well as being the most popular among tourist visits, Auri Peru shows you more about this building, which was the process of history that has and key details so you can visit the Coricancha Cusco with a bit more information.

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    We know that the Inca culture was a civilization of polytheistic beliefs, that is to say they worshiped multiple gods, however there was a god superior to all and was the sun god so it was necessary to create a space or place where you can worship him, it is precisely there where a temple is built in the middle of the city of Cusco, a unique temple that would be considered as the center of the world for the Inca culture. The Coricancha Cusco was the Inca Temple of the Sun, it was even the only temple there that was for ceremonies or religious rites, according to studies was so much devotion that those who entered to the Temple of the Sun Cusco should be barefoot, without having eaten anything and carrying a heavy object, this in representation of humility and devotion to the sun god.

    The walls of the Coricancha Temple Cusco are made in a very fine way with Calcite and Andesite rocks, the perfect finish of details that has the Temple of the Sun Cusco was demonstrated after a person commented that it is so much delicacy that was used in this construction that not even a needle could enter between 2 stones, also clear that this was not only for baking purposes but also strategic, not only withstood the time but also natural disasters such as earthquakes, rains and others. According to the story tells us the high walls of the Coricancha Cusco had a gold plating on the top and hence derives the same name, “Qori” which means gold and “Cancha” which is an open place but enclosed with walls and the arrival of the Spaniards, everyone was fascinated by this display of abundant wealth, since the Inca Temple of the Sun also had enclosures for the worship of other deities such as the moon, the stars and more, which naturally also had other unique pieces of gold, silver and precious stones.

    During the process of conquest they tried to demonstrate the superiority of the Spanish culture for this reason they used the existing base of Coricancha Temple Cusco to build the Temple of Santo Domingo which belongs to the Dominican order and much of the gold that was found was melted and then sent to the King of Spain who allowed the expeditions to be carried out leaving the Inca Temple of the Sun as a place without its treasures.


    “The Inca civilization expanded territorially through Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, but the center of all culture and civilization was in the Coricancha Cusco. In Cusco’s heart, a temple stood, gleaming like the radiant sun. Incas revered Koricancha’s might, offering gold at day’s first dawn.

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    During your visit to the Coricancha Cusco you will appreciate that inside the Temple of the Sun Cusco there are also other enclosures, these were spaces where they worshiped other gods, these were:

    • The Courtyard of the Sun

    Unlike the Catholic ceremonies that take place inside a church, the Andean ceremonies were mainly intended for open spaces so that all the subjects could appreciate and be part of the worship of the sun god. This space inside the Coricancha Cusco fulfills this function, it became a kind of warehouse to keep all the offerings that were brought to the sun god, among these offerings highlight the flowers, food, gold pieces and others, according to history and chroniclers it is said that when the Spaniards were in the Coricancha Cusco found gold pieces that simulated animals in real size, over time this space became part of the private garden of the Dominican friars and now is the esplanade of Coricancha Cusco where they celebrate various activities such as the beginning of Inti Raymi, the main ceremony of thanksgiving to the earth and others.

    The Courtyard of the Sun

    The Courtyard of the Sun

    • The Temple of the Sun

    It is the main space within the Coricancha Temple Cusco, was so large that occupied about 50% of the size that currently has the temple of Santo Domingo, in this place you can also see the embalmed bodies of the famous children of the sun that are resting on golden chairs on a golden table. Being the main place of all the Coricancha Cusco was the most affected because it was destroyed mainly to build the temple of Santo Domingo. The reason why the Temple of the Sun Cusco had so much gold was because the Inca culture considered that gold was a token of b and was used exclusively as decoration, not as something commercial.

    Coricancha Cusco The Temple of the Sun

    Coricancha Cusco The Temple of the Sun

    • Temple of the Moon

    This enclosure is also located inside the Coricancha Temple Cusco, the moon was considered the wife of the sun (part of the duality that is mentioned in the Andean cosmogony), this enclosure contained much more presence of silver which gave it a beautiful appearance of representation in the light of the moon, this space was also affected by the construction of the religious temple.

    temple of the moon

    temple of the moon

    • Temple of the stars

    In a direct relationship with the sun and moon god, the stars were considered as the daughters and these were also venerated by the interpretation made by the Andean priests for agricultural purposes. In the enclosure of the stars is where the Inca was venerated at the time of the festivities.

    temple of the stars

    temple of the stars

    • Temple of the Rainbow

    One of the enclosures of the Coricancha Cusco that was valued not only for the beauty it shows after the rain but it was also a representation of the projection of the sun god, was also affected at the time of building the religious temple.

    temple of the rainbow

    temple of the rainbow

    “Don’t live to work. Work to travel and travel to live”


    Visiting the Coricancha Temple Cusco is quite easy, there are several options to get it:

    • The first option is to visit the Coricancha Cusco on your own. It is located within the historic center, from the main square you can get here walking (takes about 5 minutes or less) and by car (3 minutes).
    • The second option is the most usual, when you arrive to the city you can enjoy a half day experience doing the activity of the City Tour, here you can also delight the visit to the Coricancha Cusco, it takes about 1 hour visit knowing all the enclosures inside and then visiting the upper part of the city where the archaeological centers are.
    Monday to Saturday From 08:30 am to 17:30 pm
    Sundays From 14:00 am to 17:00 pm


    Adult Foreigner s/20.00 peruvian soles
    Child Foreigner s/8.00 peruvian soles
    National Visitor s/10.00 peruvian soles

    Now that you know more about Coricancha Cusco, the Inca Temple of the Sun it is time to start planning the details of your next adventure. In this kind of traditional and historical tours you recommend to consider expert travel guides. At Auri Peru we can assist you with that, contact us and we will be very happy to help you get the trip of your dreams.

    “If you want to know more about yourself, go on a journey and the road will teach you.”









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